Tuesday 10 January 2017

Home from home

When we were kids growing up in Whitelea Road we almost had Narnia at the bottom of our garden, or so it seemed at the time. We had our very own twitten!

We'd spend hours chopping nettles, digging holes or selling soil to people whose gardens backed on to the twitten. 6d a bucket full. We even once started to build a miniature railway along it, with wooden rails and no idea what we'd run on it!

Many years later (on 4 November 1984) I found myself back there. Not a lot had changed though it all seemed much smaller than I'd remembered it! 

All gone now though - the house owners have bit by bit reclaimed the twitten and incorporated it into their back gardens - depriving Whitelea's kids of hours of fun!

Friday 6 January 2017

Arctic Blast 1975

Sussex, especially West Sussex south of the Downs. doesn't normally get a lot of snow but sometimes we get plenty, which can stick for days or even weeks.

I have a note that these shots were 1975. I walked up to Lyminster Road where I had a feeling the banks along the eastern side would produce some excellent blowing snow. I wasn't disappointed.

I've since lived in Scotland's second highest village and in a Swiss ski resort, but these are still some of my favourite winter shots!