Friday 25 September 2015

High tide 1983

(Both 9.9.1983 Copyright Steve Sainsbury)

I'm sure we have all spent many hours walking along this road! Back in 1983 there was a very high tide which played with the idea of flooding Pier Road. It wasn't to be but the swans in pic 2 looked hopeful! The green hut certainly looked like it had water coming up through the floorboards.

Bear in mind that sea levels have risen by a couple of inches since these pics, and the land has dropped about four inches, it's pretty clear why the recent works were needed ...

Sunday 13 September 2015

The old bus station

(All 18.8.1984 copyright Steve Sainsbury)

Back in 1984 Littlehampton's bus station (more correctly bus garage) was empty and waiting to be demolished. I took the opportunity to take a few pictures of the station and the twitten that ran behind it, which led to Field Place. There were some gardens on one side of a brick wall and a row of terraced houses. There was also a larger detached house called 'SESCO' next to the garage and this had been the house where one of my school friends, Alan Flint, lived. I often visited back in the late 60s and early 70s. Sadly he was killed in a car crash in 1977 on the Chichester ring road.

This little route was very familiar to me as it led from my school (Connaught Road) to the town, and was also a pretty natural route from home (Whitelea Road) to the town.

It's all now buried under featureless supermarkets, car parks and shops of course, but these pics prove that it was once there!

Friday 4 September 2015

Hares in Wick

(Both 9.9.1984 copyright Steve Sainsbury)

It wasn't so many years ago that we could still fill up our cars in places other than supermarkets, and between Wick and the level crossing at Lyminster we had two filling stations until about 20 years ago.

Hares in Wick was adjacent to Taylor's Dairies and had four pumps and was I believe still manned until closure. My mate Doug Knight worked there for a while which is how I got the second photo from within the little booth on the forecourt!